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Returns & Exchanges

Visit to request your prepaid return label or to find a Return Bar location, no box or label required! If using a prepaid label, your refund will be issued as soon as we receive your return.

*Questions? Reach out to us at [email protected] or call our Customer Experience team at (877) 745-8994 — we'd be happy to help.

*All refunds will be credited to the original payment method. Note that items marked FINAL SALE are not eligible for return or exchange. Please allow 15 days for processing, and keep in mind that your bank might require a few more days on their end.

At Faherty, we’re fueled by purpose and optimism. We make high-quality, responsibly-crafted, feel-good favorites you’ll never want to take off. Everything comes with a lifetime guarantee — If something doesn’t stand the test of time, we’ll do our best to repair or replace it.

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